

Our vision

To maximize intelligence decision making with the use of accurate and relevant data

Today, a significant part of the ongoing battle to protect every individual’s right to a safe and secure life is fought on the digital battlefield.




of big data are utilized by law enforcement and intelligence agencies to protect their countries and citizens.

This immense challenge to maintain superiority on the technological battlefield can only be won by proper and efficient use of that data.

We at SSP profoundly believe in the

old saying - Knowledge is Power.

As part of this belief, we dedicated the best minds to developing, integrating, and perfecting how this data is used effectively by law enforcement and intelligence agencies worldwide. To place the most advanced technologies and tools to process and analyze data – and turn information into accurate, powerful intelligence.


Two of the systems created to fulfill this vision are the advanced data analysis platform Minerva and our cyber security system, Hyperion.

SSP RECOGNISES the importance of protecting data and is committed to providing the needed tools to protect your communities. 

We are an experienced team with the mission of defending organizations, law enforcement and intelligence agencies against criminals who operate in the dark. We establish a sense of security in this digital age with our holistic approach to providing comprehensive solutions that ensure our customers’ operational success.

Get these tools today and be safe tomorrow because knowledge is power.


harness the value of your data ecosystem

The age of big data has introduced new challenges to the war against crime. The prolific obtainable information available is proving itself vital again and again. But its amount and complexity bring delays that jeopardize your decision-making process.

As a law enforcement or intelligence agency, your effectiveness is defined by the ability to work with this info.

Named after the Roman god of wisdom, justice, and strategy – Minerva harnesses the full potential of your data with an easy-to-use interface and previously unseen efficiency. Police reports, street cams, active cyber, Open Source Intelligence, and much more are funneled directly to your analyst, leaving you to focus on making the right decisions – faster.


Stay ahead of threats

The cyber-security world is a battlefield where the enemy is constantly evolving. Today, most countries and corporates rely on passive cyber-security systems for threat detection. Knowing is indeed crucial, but the ability to act first, hard and fast, is pivotal. 

The complex challenge of keeping a country’s civilians and critical assets safe requires an innovative, adaptive approach. Hyperion is providing this edge. 

Hyperion is a unique system in the global cyber defense field that implements our specially designed proprietary external sensors.

This primary and essential line of defense integrates a scanning of your enterprise’s external-facing assets, identifying possible malicious threat victims and data leaks.

The Hyperion defense system utilizes extensive insight into attackers behavior and methodologies to elegantly access their network undetected, and gather unprecedented data on their actions. While other systems detect threats when they become attacks, with Hyperion, you can monitor, detect, and stop any threat before it becomes an attack.

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